The Washington Brainwash

Tea Partiers know that the government has set two sets of rules and standards. One for themselves and one for the public. While their constituents are losing jobs, losing their homes, cutting back to the basic necessities, Congress is enjoying a triple AAA benefits package, is giving itself  pay raises (cool how they do that isn't it? "I didn't vote for it. I just didn't vote against it!"). They are taking tax dollar paid luxury junkets on Air Force or luxury planes with family, friends, and associates. They are making personal money from companies, industries, countries, and individuals. It is full of cronyism, favoritism, and payoffs. They let many good ideas get voted down due to partisan party voting. They distort facts and numbers to deceive the people about the consequences of policies. They are acting like the rich elitists that they love to condemn. Only they are doing it at taxpayer expense. They have separated themselves from the people they are suppose to represent.

The government of this country was started as a government of the people, by the people, for the people and has ceased to be so. Their constituents voices are not being heard and they are angry about it. They don't want politicians, they want representatives. Representatives that vote the way that they want him/her to, not the way his fellow politicians want him to. They want control of the government to be put back into the publics hands with their best interests at the fore-front of all policies. They want government to stop deceiving and lying to them.

To do this Tea Parties have formed all over the country to have extensive information about politicians and candidates available to the public so they can make an informed vote. They are promoting the idea that our representatives should be everyday people. People that are average like them. People that have the same struggles and have the same problems. People that will see special interests as wrong. People with common sense. People that know this is a continuing country and that they have an obligation to leave it in better shape for future generations than it was for them. They realize that the best representatives for the people would be farmers, small business owners, secretaries, military personnel, nurses, doctors, housewife's, store clerks, etc... The best government is represented by all of the country not dominated by idealistic college professors, rich business men, and corrupt lawyers. It is a service, it should never be a career, and it should never be a spending spree of tax payer dollars.

Bill Whittle said it best on one of his Afterburner segments on PJTV . Watch whole segment by clicking link. You will need to register but it is free.

Here are the the end of that segment where he is speaking to Scott Brown:

"So, Scott – can I call you Scott? Doesn’t seem like you’re kind of guy who insists on being called Senator after all the hard work you put in getting there… Scott, I hear your truck has 200,000 miles on it. You’ve worked hard. If you want to buy a new truck to celebrate your win, I say go for it.

But when the day comes – and if you stay in Washington long enough then the day will come – when you decide that rather than driving yourself somewhere in your truck and a man of your position deserves a chauffeured limo ride or an excursion in a private jet – then Scott, you won’t be Scott anymore. You’ll be Senator Brown. And when that day comes, Senator, you won’t be one of us anymore. You’ll be one of them. When that day comes, Senator, we’ll thank you for your service, because then it will be time to come home."

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