In Support Of
Senator Preston Smith (R-52)
A Resolution
April 14, 2010
Submitted To: Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle
Members of the General Assembly
Appropriate Media
The Floyd County Republican Party
The Bartow County Republican Party
The Gordon County Republican Party
Tea Party Patriots
And other interested parties
Sponsors: Many Activists of Rome/Floyd GA TEA Party 2010
Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle et al
WHEREAS; State Senator Preston Smith (R-52 Floyd, Bartow, and Gordon) has served four terms in the Senate of Georgia representing the needs of his constituents, fulfilling his pledged commitments to them, and providing leadership in the Senate and throughout the governmental arena with his unswerving support for the United States Constitution, limited government, fiscal responsibility, and the free market.
WHEREAS; Senator Smith’s long and meritorious service has been marked by commitment to conservative principles and appreciation of, and by, his constituents.
WHEREAS; Senator Smith was recently called upon to vote for or against HB 307 and chose to vote his principled conviction, and constituent pledged commitment, against the imposed “hospital bed tax.” Senator Smith was one of three Republican Senator’s voting against the tax increase, a position that is the very foundation of conservative values.
WHEREAS; In retribution for his refusal to go along with Lt. Governor Cagle and other Senate leadership and vote for the tax increase, his role as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary was stripped away from him.
WHEREAS; Senator Smith asks, “Of what purpose is it to have a majority if you abandon the very principles for which the voters entrusted that majority to you? If the Republican Majority is going to start down the road towards raising taxes and even punishing their more conservative members who refuse to march like lemmings off that cliff, then why should Georgian’s trust them any longer to lead?” This raw exercise of power was used to crush Senator Smith.
RESOLVED; that the Rome/Floyd GA TEA Party 2010 express the strongest and most unequivocal support for Senator Preston Smith; laud his stand for conservative principles; appreciate his leadership in the General Assembly; and appreciate his continuing service and support of his constituents.
RESOLVED; that we, the aforementioned, strongly express our disappointment with, and dismay of, the exercise of political power by the Senate leadership including Lt. Governor Casey Cagle and Senators Tommie Williams and Chip Rogers. We believe this display of retribution is uncalled for, is an affront to the very values, dignity, and respectful behavior all citizens of Georgia expect.
RESOLVED; that the aforementioned Senate leadership is hereby rebuked for their actions against Senator Smith for their attempts to silence differing opinions and commitment to principle.
RESOLVED; that we request the Senate leadership, Lt. Governor Cagle specifically, issue a public apology to Senator Smith, and all citizens of Georgia for their behavior and unconscionable assault on Senator Smith and the process of governance.
RESOLVED; further that we, the aforementioned, demand that Senator Smith be returned to his rightful role as Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee.
Submitted respectfully for and by:
Don Black Hoyt Brown
Sandra Brown Maggie Crowe
Barbara Dougherty Grant Evans
Anne Goss Nancy Greer
Janice Hadaway Jackie Hesselbrock
Penny King Richard King
Betty Kuss Charles Kuss
Mike Morton Linda Petty
Bob Ragsdale Marsha Ragsdale
Lynn Riedell Michael Rogers
Amy Schriever Babo Segars
Lauren Grace Smith Randy Smith
Bill Steinhauer Virginia Steinhauer
Cheryl Sullins Roger Oehlert
Stewart Orr Vickie Orr
Bob Thacker Linda Thacker
Cindy Upton Janice Smith
Jason Mills Ann Crews
Hoyett Crews Brian Barcomb
And Many Other of the over 500 Rome/Floyd GA TEA Party 2010 Activists
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
--Edmund Burke