Friday, January 29, 2010

If you have never been there please check out Pajamas TV

You my have seen the link at the side of the page for Pajamas TV. I encourage anyone that has not been to this site to check it out. It is one of the most informative, fact filled, editorial news sites, on the web. Bill Whittle spoke at the Tea Party rally in Washington DC last year and was great. This man has a better grasp of the political world than anyone I see out there today. Steven Crowder, Andrew Klavan, Alfonzo Rachel, Sonja Schmidt, and Joe Hicks are also very common sense people that I follow. You can click their names at the top of the page and it will take you to a listing of their videos. Don't stop with them though. There is much more on this site.


  1. I signed up when I first discovered it and get buried in so much information that I haven't really traveled around over there, but I will take your prompt and check them out in the near future! Thanks for the reminder. VN8

  2. I found my way here from VN8's blog. Good to know there are other sane souls out there!
