Sunday, April 25, 2010

In Response To Comments and Emails About "A Letter From NBRA Chairman Francis Rice" Post

I have received several emails and a couple of comments on the blog posting " A Letter From NBRA Chairman Francis Rice".

The question within all of these is basically the same. How did the Republican party...the party that was formed out of one common belief...Constitutional Law...a belief that all men are created equal...that's at the time of it's conception freeing the slaves and allowing them to be equal to all Americans was it's number one goal....How is it that they are now perceived the bad guys? The racist? And now that so many Constitutionalists are forming into the Tea Parties they too are unjustly obtaining this label. How did this happen? I have spent countless hours researching the subject. It will be a huge part on a new blog I am working on promoting minority participation into the Constitutional movement. Without listing the numerous resources I have used I have chosen one link that gives a good basic insight to this question. I urge you to read it.

1 comment:

  1. Great Post.
    I will cross post and link back to you.
