Monday, April 26, 2010

Racism...Throw It Back In Their Faces! We Are For All Americans! End It Now!

If anyone hasn't been able to tell, I have of lately, been extremely pre-occupied with the racism cry against Tea Partiers. Why? Because I am a history buff. A history factualist. Because I know what has happened with racism in the history of this country and what is happening now with the accusations. Because like myself Tea Partiers are the antithesis of racist – a collection of logical, freedom-loving quasi-libertarians, who care more about the lives their children will have than their own and who could care less about anyone’s color or background. Nevertheless, self-described liberals, progressives, and Democrats persist in telling everyone that the Tea Party Movement is racist, despite the fact they have yet to produce one iota of concrete evidence to prove this absurd point.

So why cry racist when no racist incidences have happened? Why are the Democrats and the liberals spewing racism like the nozzle of a boiling tea pot (No pun intended)? The most popular explanation is their lever on political power. With 99 percent of African-Americans and 77 percent of Jewish-Americans (excuse the reactionary hyphens), not to mention a huge percentage of Hispanic-Americans, voting their way, what’s not to like? Keep America divided according to race and keep getting elected.

Putting it bluntly, the Democratic Party clings to racism because they are out of ideas. They have nothing else to say. At this point, almost everyone acknowledges liberal policies don’t work and the Dems have little they can do but call names. This is even more true of socialism, a system which has consistently shown itself to be the initial ramp on an inexorable glide path to totalitarianism. Progressivism, liberalism, call it what you will, has completely lost its appeal to the majority of Americans on an ideological level. So what’s a poor Dem to do? Wave the white flag? NO. They Cry racism!

A great contribution the Tea Party Movement could make, perhaps its greatest contribution – would be to truly smash racism. Nowadays, hyphenated racial groups do the opposite. They have become inherently reactionary, seeking to divide us as Americans for their own advantage. That preserves racism in perpetuity, just as the American people themselves are fed up with it and long since ready to move on. In effect, the Democratic Party has inadvertently turned itself into the party of racism by depending upon these vested interests to maintain power. The Tea Party Movement could overturn this. That would be truly revolutionary.

Yes....I am obsessed with this. Racism must die. Hear that! MUST DIE! The Democrats and Liberals have used it to divide this country far too long. There isn't one single, God fearing, family loving, Constitutional believing, personal rights, Tea Partier I know that ever considers race. It is the Democrats!

The Democrats brought it up. I hear many people say "just let it go" but I say now is the time to throw it back in their faces. Put the facts about racism and who is really responsible out there. Let the people that support these hypocrites know who is really on their side. On the side of all people. All AMERICANS. I believe that it is the duty of Tea Partiers everywhere not to only go into those areas they know they can win in November but to go into those areas where they say we can't win. In Georgia that is District's 2, 13, 5, 4. They say we can not win there. Why? Because people in those districts believe what the Dems say. Because people there have lived off of Government for so long that they do not know that there is better way. The Dems don't want them to.

It is the best thing for all of us. We may never kill racism. There will always be jerks in this world, but we can stop the cry that keeps a division in this country. The division that allows the loss of freedom. The division that allows socialism.

I know we are just and right in our goals. We must convince those that oppose us that this is in the best interest of us all. We must educate them. For God, For Country, and most of all for our children and their future.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post Roger. I would love to post this at our website if you don't mind. If so, I can understand. Also was wondering if you want to link up to our website in order to promote our cause more. Just let me know. Talk to you soon.
