If anyone hasn't been able to tell, I have of lately, been extremely pre-occupied with the racism cry against Tea Partiers. Why? Because I am a history buff. A history factualist. Because I know what has happened with racism in the history of this country and what is happening now with the accusations. Because like myself Tea Partiers are the antithesis of racist – a collection of logical, freedom-loving quasi-libertarians, who care more about the lives their children will have than their own and who could care less about anyone’s color or background. Nevertheless, self-described liberals, progressives, and Democrats persist in telling everyone that the Tea Party Movement is racist, despite the fact they have yet to produce one iota of concrete evidence to prove this absurd point.
So why cry racist when no racist incidences have happened? Why are the Democrats and the liberals spewing racism like the nozzle of a boiling tea pot (No pun intended)? The most popular explanation is their lever on political power. With 99 percent of African-Americans and 77 percent of Jewish-Americans (excuse the reactionary hyphens), not to mention a huge percentage of Hispanic-Americans, voting their way, what’s not to like? Keep America divided according to race and keep getting elected.
Putting it bluntly, the Democratic Party clings to racism because they are out of ideas. They have nothing else to say. At this point, almost everyone acknowledges liberal policies don’t work and the Dems have little they can do but call names. This is even more true of socialism, a system which has consistently shown itself to be the initial ramp on an inexorable glide path to totalitarianism. Progressivism, liberalism, call it what you will, has completely lost its appeal to the majority of Americans on an ideological level. So what’s a poor Dem to do? Wave the white flag? NO. They Cry racism!
A great contribution the Tea Party Movement could make, perhaps its greatest contribution – would be to truly smash racism. Nowadays, hyphenated racial groups do the opposite. They have become inherently reactionary, seeking to divide us as Americans for their own advantage. That preserves racism in perpetuity, just as the American people themselves are fed up with it and long since ready to move on. In effect, the Democratic Party has inadvertently turned itself into the party of racism by depending upon these vested interests to maintain power. The Tea Party Movement could overturn this. That would be truly revolutionary.
Yes....I am obsessed with this. Racism must die. Hear that! MUST DIE! The Democrats and Liberals have used it to divide this country far too long. There isn't one single, God fearing, family loving, Constitutional believing, personal rights, Tea Partier I know that ever considers race. It is the Democrats!
The Democrats brought it up. I hear many people say "just let it go" but I say now is the time to throw it back in their faces. Put the facts about racism and who is really responsible out there. Let the people that support these hypocrites know who is really on their side. On the side of all people. All AMERICANS. I believe that it is the duty of Tea Partiers everywhere not to only go into those areas they know they can win in November but to go into those areas where they say we can't win. In Georgia that is District's 2, 13, 5, 4. They say we can not win there. Why? Because people in those districts believe what the Dems say. Because people there have lived off of Government for so long that they do not know that there is better way. The Dems don't want them to.
It is the best thing for all of us. We may never kill racism. There will always be jerks in this world, but we can stop the cry that keeps a division in this country. The division that allows the loss of freedom. The division that allows socialism.
I know we are just and right in our goals. We must convince those that oppose us that this is in the best interest of us all. We must educate them. For God, For Country, and most of all for our children and their future.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
In Support Of Senator Preston Smith (R-52)
In Support Of
Senator Preston Smith (R-52)
A Resolution
April 14, 2010
Submitted To: Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle
Members of the General Assembly
Appropriate Media
The Floyd County Republican Party
The Bartow County Republican Party
The Gordon County Republican Party
Tea Party Patriots
And other interested parties
Sponsors: Many Activists of Rome/Floyd GA TEA Party 2010
Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle et al
WHEREAS; State Senator Preston Smith (R-52 Floyd, Bartow, and Gordon) has served four terms in the Senate of Georgia representing the needs of his constituents, fulfilling his pledged commitments to them, and providing leadership in the Senate and throughout the governmental arena with his unswerving support for the United States Constitution, limited government, fiscal responsibility, and the free market.
WHEREAS; Senator Smith’s long and meritorious service has been marked by commitment to conservative principles and appreciation of, and by, his constituents.
WHEREAS; Senator Smith was recently called upon to vote for or against HB 307 and chose to vote his principled conviction, and constituent pledged commitment, against the imposed “hospital bed tax.” Senator Smith was one of three Republican Senator’s voting against the tax increase, a position that is the very foundation of conservative values.
WHEREAS; In retribution for his refusal to go along with Lt. Governor Cagle and other Senate leadership and vote for the tax increase, his role as Chairman of the Senate Judiciary was stripped away from him.
WHEREAS; Senator Smith asks, “Of what purpose is it to have a majority if you abandon the very principles for which the voters entrusted that majority to you? If the Republican Majority is going to start down the road towards raising taxes and even punishing their more conservative members who refuse to march like lemmings off that cliff, then why should Georgian’s trust them any longer to lead?” This raw exercise of power was used to crush Senator Smith.
RESOLVED; that the Rome/Floyd GA TEA Party 2010 express the strongest and most unequivocal support for Senator Preston Smith; laud his stand for conservative principles; appreciate his leadership in the General Assembly; and appreciate his continuing service and support of his constituents.
RESOLVED; that we, the aforementioned, strongly express our disappointment with, and dismay of, the exercise of political power by the Senate leadership including Lt. Governor Casey Cagle and Senators Tommie Williams and Chip Rogers. We believe this display of retribution is uncalled for, is an affront to the very values, dignity, and respectful behavior all citizens of Georgia expect.
RESOLVED; that the aforementioned Senate leadership is hereby rebuked for their actions against Senator Smith for their attempts to silence differing opinions and commitment to principle.
RESOLVED; that we request the Senate leadership, Lt. Governor Cagle specifically, issue a public apology to Senator Smith, and all citizens of Georgia for their behavior and unconscionable assault on Senator Smith and the process of governance.
RESOLVED; further that we, the aforementioned, demand that Senator Smith be returned to his rightful role as Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee.
Submitted respectfully for and by:
Don Black Hoyt Brown
Sandra Brown Maggie Crowe
Barbara Dougherty Grant Evans
Anne Goss Nancy Greer
Janice Hadaway Jackie Hesselbrock
Penny King Richard King
Betty Kuss Charles Kuss
Mike Morton Linda Petty
Bob Ragsdale Marsha Ragsdale
Lynn Riedell Michael Rogers
Amy Schriever Babo Segars
Lauren Grace Smith Randy Smith
Bill Steinhauer Virginia Steinhauer
Cheryl Sullins Roger Oehlert
Stewart Orr Vickie Orr
Bob Thacker Linda Thacker
Cindy Upton Janice Smith
Jason Mills Ann Crews
Hoyett Crews Brian Barcomb
And Many Other of the over 500 Rome/Floyd GA TEA Party 2010 Activists
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
--Edmund Burke
In Response To Comments and Emails About "A Letter From NBRA Chairman Francis Rice" Post
I have received several emails and a couple of comments on the blog posting " A Letter From NBRA Chairman Francis Rice".
The question within all of these is basically the same. How did the Republican party...the party that was formed out of one common belief...Constitutional Law...a belief that all men are created equal...that's at the time of it's conception freeing the slaves and allowing them to be equal to all Americans was it's number one goal....How is it that they are now perceived the bad guys? The racist? And now that so many Constitutionalists are forming into the Tea Parties they too are unjustly obtaining this label. How did this happen? I have spent countless hours researching the subject. It will be a huge part on a new blog I am working on promoting minority participation into the Constitutional movement. Without listing the numerous resources I have used I have chosen one link that gives a good basic insight to this question. I urge you to read it.
The question within all of these is basically the same. How did the Republican party...the party that was formed out of one common belief...Constitutional Law...a belief that all men are created equal...that's at the time of it's conception freeing the slaves and allowing them to be equal to all Americans was it's number one goal....How is it that they are now perceived the bad guys? The racist? And now that so many Constitutionalists are forming into the Tea Parties they too are unjustly obtaining this label. How did this happen? I have spent countless hours researching the subject. It will be a huge part on a new blog I am working on promoting minority participation into the Constitutional movement. Without listing the numerous resources I have used I have chosen one link that gives a good basic insight to this question. I urge you to read it.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Truth About Our Debt/Spending and Why We Should Be Very Scared
According to the CBO's recent estimates of President Obama’s current budget proposal, debt held by the public relative to the size of the economy is heading toward heights last seen at the end of the WW II. As we all know the CBO can only use the numbers given it and we all know how reliable this administrations figures have been. The CBO is not allowed to question these figures and this has always led them to underestimate. Former CBO director Douglas Holtz-Eakin said it best when he descibed the process as “... fantasy in, fantasy out.” Now the CBO's figures are frightening enough since the debt after WW II were the countries largest ever. The fact that these are watered down figures should scare the hell out of all Americans.
The two videos below show the truth about debt and spending.
The two videos below show the truth about debt and spending.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
A Letter From NBRA Chairman Frances Rice
Racists! That incendiary charge hurled by Democrats at Tea Party activists protesting against ObamaCare was shown to be totally false by Jack Cashill in his article "A Closer Look at the Capitol Steps Conspiracy".
Given the Democratic Party's 150-year record of racist rhetoric and racial violence - from the days of slavery until today - it is astonishing to see Democrats sanctimoniously playing the race card. A display of unmitigated gall describes how Democrats are falsely comparing anti-ObamaCare protestors to the anti-civil rights racists of the 1960's who were Democrats. Democrats get away with this racial hypocrisy because they know with absolute certainty that the true history of civil rights has long been buried, and the racism exhibited today by Democrats against blacks, particularly black Republicans, will be ignored by the mainstream media.
For instance, the liberal media expressed no outrage and not one word of condemnation was uttered by any Democrat after SEIU (Service Employees International Union) thugs attacked Kenneth Gladney, a black man. Gladney was beaten, kicked and called a racist name while working as a vendor at a health care reform town hall meeting in St. Louis on August 6, 2009 called by U.S. Rep. Democrat Russ Carnahan.
The assault was a calculated attempt to intimidate and silence Tea Party protestors and town hall activists. On the morning of the Gladney attack, the White House presented to Senate Democrats a "battle plan" to quell the protests. The advice given to the Democrats by the White House was to "punch back twice as hard", and the first casualty was Kenneth Gladney. In the emergency room of the St. John's Mercy Medical Center, Gladney was treated for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face suffered in the attack.
The six people arrested in the Gladney case, including a Post-Dispatch reporter, were charged with mere misdemeanor ordinance violations, with a total of ten charges spread out among the six offenders. Not one Democrat rushed to a microphone to denounce the attack against Gladney as a "hate crime".
Based on the lack of any outrage by Democrats over the Gladney beating, it seems that the newly enacted "hate crime" legislation pushed by Democrats would not apply to cases of hateful brutality against black Republicans. The Hate Crimes Prevention Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama on October 28, 2009 and is designed to punish crimes of violence against people because of their race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
At the core of why Democrats are feverishly painting conservatives and Republicans as racist, especially Tea Party activists, is the need to divert the public's attention away from the fact that President Barack Obama and the Democrats in control of Congress are slowly and deliberately transforming America from a free society with a representative form of government into a socialist dictatorship. A move applauded by the Cuban Communist dictator Fidel Castro.
Obama is now governing as a hard-core leftist, after campaigning for president as a centrist. His cynical charade was designed to convince the majority of white Americans to vote for him, the very citizens Obama now castigates as racist.
What Obama and the Democrats are ignoring while trying to silence protestors with charges of racism is the fact that average American citizens are angry because they do not want socialism. They understand that ObamaCare and Obama's out-of-control spending will produce massive deficits, high costs for consumer goods and fewer jobs. Citizens have tried to communicate this message to Obama and the Democrats in every way possible, from protesting in record numbers to historic votes against Democrats in New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts.
Obama and the Democrats have chosen, at their peril, to ignore the will of the people and enact the economy-wrecking ObamaCare with one-party rule, bribing unprincipled Democrats with sleazy deals.
The powerful video posted on YouTube called "America Rising: An Open Letter to Democrat Politicians Patriotic Resistance" implores Americans to hold Democrats accountable in the 2010 elections.
A video posted on YouTube called "We The People" provides an inspiring call for us to take back our country from the socialists.
In the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., this call is made for all Americans to unite, engage in nonviolent civil disobedience and vote in November to stop the Democrats from shredding our Constitution and governing without the consent of the governed.
History shows that during the 1960's Democrats used racist slurs and brutality against Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a Republican until the day he died, and other nonviolent activists who were trying to stop the Democrats from denying civil rights to black Americans. Today, Democrats are using similar reprehensible tactics against conservatives and Republicans, especially black Republicans, who are trying to stop the Democrats from stripping civil liberties from all Americans.
While claiming to be racially sensitive, Democrats use racist invectives to denigrate black Republicans, demeaning them as "sellouts", "Uncle Toms", "House Negroes", "House N-word", or worse. The list of black Republicans attacked by Democrats is long and includes RNC Chairman Michael Steel, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, General Colin Powell and Justice Clarence Thomas.
On the left-wing Internet website called "The News Blog," Democrats posted a doctored photograph of RNC Chairman Michael Steele while he was the Lt. Governor of Maryland and running for a Senate seat. Democrats depicted Steele as a "Simple Sambo" with a blackened minstrel-style face, nappy hair and big, think red lips. The cartoon caption read: "Simple Sambo wants to move to the big house". This contemptible racist stereotype is the same one Democrats used to demean black men during the era of slavery and segregation.
Dr. Condoleezza Rice was the object of particularly vicious racist attacks by Democrats. In addition to several other appalling images of Dr. Rice produced by several Democrats, cartoonist Jeff Danziger denigrated Dr. Rice as an ignorant, barefoot "mammy", reminiscent of the stereotyped black woman in the movie "Gone with the Wind" about the slave era black woman who remarked: "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies". This is the type of racist stereotype Democrats used to demean black women during the era of slavery and segregation.
A video was shot by WKRN Video Journalist Beau Fleenor at Tennessee State University in Nashville, Tennessee that shows Al Sharpton demeaning Gen. Powell and Dr. Rice, when Sharpton was asked to give his opinions about whether Powell and Rice were "House Negroes".
An article that appeared in a Portland, Oregon paper was one of many exposing how hardly a ripple of protest was made by black Democrats when Harry Belafonte publicly denounced Gen. Powell as a "House Negro".
Posted on the Internet is an article entitled "A Black Man, The Progressive's Perfect Trojan Horse" by black entertainer Lloyd Marcus exposing Democratic Party racism toward black Tea Party protestors.
The truth about Democratic Party racism can be harsh medicine, but is sorely needed to finally eject the race-baiting poison injected into our body politic by Democrats, the architects of modern-day racism. As stated by author Michael Scheuer, the Democratic Party is the party of the four S's: slavery secession, segregation and now socialism. A prominent pundit affirmed that the Republican Party is the party of the four F's: family, faith, freedom and fairness. Civil rights history details are in the NBRA Civil Rights Newsletter that is posted on the website of the National Black Republican Association.
Written out of our history books are the following facts. The Republican Party was started in 1854 as the anti-slavery party and, after the Civil War, Republicans amended the US Constitution to grant blacks freedom (13th Amendment), citizenship (14th Amendment) and the right to vote (15th Amendment). Republicans then passed the civil rights laws to ensure blacks could exercise their Constitutional rights, including the Civil Rights Acts of 1866, 1867 and 1875. After Democrats took control of Congress in 1892, Democrats passed the Repeal Act of 1894 that overturned civil rights legislation enacted by the Republicans. It took Republicans nearly six decades to finally achieve passage of civil rights legislation in the 1950's and 1960's pushed through by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen over the objection of the Democrats.
In addition to their reprehensible of record of fighting against civil rights legislation, Democrats have a long history of racial violence. Recorded by liberal professor Dr. Eric Foner in his book "A Short History of Reconstruction", is the horrifying fact that Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan in 1866 to lynch and terrorize Republicans - black and white. The Klan became the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party, killing over 2,000 black Republicans and over 1,000 white Republicans.
The violence against the 1960's era civil rights protestors was inflicted by Democrats. Democrat Public Safety Commissioner Eugene "Bull" Connor in Birmingham let loose vicious dogs and turned skin-burning fire hoses on black civil rights demonstrators. Democrat Georgia Governor Lester Maddox famously brandished ax handles to prevent blacks from patronizing his restaurant. In 1954, Democrat Arkansas Governor Orville Faubus tried to prevent desegregation of a Little Rock public school. Democrat Alabama Governor George Wallace stood in front of the Alabama schoolhouse in 1963 and thundered, "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."
All of these racist Democrats remained Democrats until the day they died. One survivor from that era, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, a former recruiter in the Ku Klux Klan, is still a Democrat and a prominent leader in the Democrat-controlled Congress where he was honored by his fellow Democrats as the "conscience of the Senate." It does not even make common sense to believe that after the Republicans spent over 150 years fighting the Democrats and won, the racist Democrats suddenly rushed into the arms of the Republicans. In fact Democrats declared that they would rather vote for a "yellow dog" than any one in the Republican Party, the party for blacks.
(Read he truth of the Democratic Party)
If our soldiers did and do voluntarily put their lives on the line to preserve our freedoms, then we can do no less. If Dr. King had the courage to fight for civil rights for blacks in the face of racist slurs by Democrats and threats of imprisonment or death, then we surely have the courage to stand up for our civil liberties in the face of such threats. This we owe to ourselves, our country and future generations..
Frances Rice is a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel and Chairman of the National Black Republican Association. She may be contacted at: www.NBRA.info
Racists! That incendiary charge hurled by Democrats at Tea Party activists protesting against ObamaCare was shown to be totally false by Jack Cashill in his article "A Closer Look at the Capitol Steps Conspiracy".
Given the Democratic Party's 150-year record of racist rhetoric and racial violence - from the days of slavery until today - it is astonishing to see Democrats sanctimoniously playing the race card. A display of unmitigated gall describes how Democrats are falsely comparing anti-ObamaCare protestors to the anti-civil rights racists of the 1960's who were Democrats. Democrats get away with this racial hypocrisy because they know with absolute certainty that the true history of civil rights has long been buried, and the racism exhibited today by Democrats against blacks, particularly black Republicans, will be ignored by the mainstream media.
For instance, the liberal media expressed no outrage and not one word of condemnation was uttered by any Democrat after SEIU (Service Employees International Union) thugs attacked Kenneth Gladney, a black man. Gladney was beaten, kicked and called a racist name while working as a vendor at a health care reform town hall meeting in St. Louis on August 6, 2009 called by U.S. Rep. Democrat Russ Carnahan.
The assault was a calculated attempt to intimidate and silence Tea Party protestors and town hall activists. On the morning of the Gladney attack, the White House presented to Senate Democrats a "battle plan" to quell the protests. The advice given to the Democrats by the White House was to "punch back twice as hard", and the first casualty was Kenneth Gladney. In the emergency room of the St. John's Mercy Medical Center, Gladney was treated for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face suffered in the attack.
The six people arrested in the Gladney case, including a Post-Dispatch reporter, were charged with mere misdemeanor ordinance violations, with a total of ten charges spread out among the six offenders. Not one Democrat rushed to a microphone to denounce the attack against Gladney as a "hate crime".
Based on the lack of any outrage by Democrats over the Gladney beating, it seems that the newly enacted "hate crime" legislation pushed by Democrats would not apply to cases of hateful brutality against black Republicans. The Hate Crimes Prevention Act was signed into law by President Barack Obama on October 28, 2009 and is designed to punish crimes of violence against people because of their race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
At the core of why Democrats are feverishly painting conservatives and Republicans as racist, especially Tea Party activists, is the need to divert the public's attention away from the fact that President Barack Obama and the Democrats in control of Congress are slowly and deliberately transforming America from a free society with a representative form of government into a socialist dictatorship. A move applauded by the Cuban Communist dictator Fidel Castro.
Obama is now governing as a hard-core leftist, after campaigning for president as a centrist. His cynical charade was designed to convince the majority of white Americans to vote for him, the very citizens Obama now castigates as racist.
What Obama and the Democrats are ignoring while trying to silence protestors with charges of racism is the fact that average American citizens are angry because they do not want socialism. They understand that ObamaCare and Obama's out-of-control spending will produce massive deficits, high costs for consumer goods and fewer jobs. Citizens have tried to communicate this message to Obama and the Democrats in every way possible, from protesting in record numbers to historic votes against Democrats in New Jersey, Virginia and Massachusetts.
Obama and the Democrats have chosen, at their peril, to ignore the will of the people and enact the economy-wrecking ObamaCare with one-party rule, bribing unprincipled Democrats with sleazy deals.
The powerful video posted on YouTube called "America Rising: An Open Letter to Democrat Politicians Patriotic Resistance" implores Americans to hold Democrats accountable in the 2010 elections.
A video posted on YouTube called "We The People" provides an inspiring call for us to take back our country from the socialists.
In the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., this call is made for all Americans to unite, engage in nonviolent civil disobedience and vote in November to stop the Democrats from shredding our Constitution and governing without the consent of the governed.
History shows that during the 1960's Democrats used racist slurs and brutality against Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a Republican until the day he died, and other nonviolent activists who were trying to stop the Democrats from denying civil rights to black Americans. Today, Democrats are using similar reprehensible tactics against conservatives and Republicans, especially black Republicans, who are trying to stop the Democrats from stripping civil liberties from all Americans.
While claiming to be racially sensitive, Democrats use racist invectives to denigrate black Republicans, demeaning them as "sellouts", "Uncle Toms", "House Negroes", "House N-word", or worse. The list of black Republicans attacked by Democrats is long and includes RNC Chairman Michael Steel, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, General Colin Powell and Justice Clarence Thomas.
On the left-wing Internet website called "The News Blog," Democrats posted a doctored photograph of RNC Chairman Michael Steele while he was the Lt. Governor of Maryland and running for a Senate seat. Democrats depicted Steele as a "Simple Sambo" with a blackened minstrel-style face, nappy hair and big, think red lips. The cartoon caption read: "Simple Sambo wants to move to the big house". This contemptible racist stereotype is the same one Democrats used to demean black men during the era of slavery and segregation.
Dr. Condoleezza Rice was the object of particularly vicious racist attacks by Democrats. In addition to several other appalling images of Dr. Rice produced by several Democrats, cartoonist Jeff Danziger denigrated Dr. Rice as an ignorant, barefoot "mammy", reminiscent of the stereotyped black woman in the movie "Gone with the Wind" about the slave era black woman who remarked: "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies". This is the type of racist stereotype Democrats used to demean black women during the era of slavery and segregation.
A video was shot by WKRN Video Journalist Beau Fleenor at Tennessee State University in Nashville, Tennessee that shows Al Sharpton demeaning Gen. Powell and Dr. Rice, when Sharpton was asked to give his opinions about whether Powell and Rice were "House Negroes".
An article that appeared in a Portland, Oregon paper was one of many exposing how hardly a ripple of protest was made by black Democrats when Harry Belafonte publicly denounced Gen. Powell as a "House Negro".
Posted on the Internet is an article entitled "A Black Man, The Progressive's Perfect Trojan Horse" by black entertainer Lloyd Marcus exposing Democratic Party racism toward black Tea Party protestors.
The truth about Democratic Party racism can be harsh medicine, but is sorely needed to finally eject the race-baiting poison injected into our body politic by Democrats, the architects of modern-day racism. As stated by author Michael Scheuer, the Democratic Party is the party of the four S's: slavery secession, segregation and now socialism. A prominent pundit affirmed that the Republican Party is the party of the four F's: family, faith, freedom and fairness. Civil rights history details are in the NBRA Civil Rights Newsletter that is posted on the website of the National Black Republican Association.
Written out of our history books are the following facts. The Republican Party was started in 1854 as the anti-slavery party and, after the Civil War, Republicans amended the US Constitution to grant blacks freedom (13th Amendment), citizenship (14th Amendment) and the right to vote (15th Amendment). Republicans then passed the civil rights laws to ensure blacks could exercise their Constitutional rights, including the Civil Rights Acts of 1866, 1867 and 1875. After Democrats took control of Congress in 1892, Democrats passed the Repeal Act of 1894 that overturned civil rights legislation enacted by the Republicans. It took Republicans nearly six decades to finally achieve passage of civil rights legislation in the 1950's and 1960's pushed through by Republican Senator Everett Dirksen over the objection of the Democrats.
In addition to their reprehensible of record of fighting against civil rights legislation, Democrats have a long history of racial violence. Recorded by liberal professor Dr. Eric Foner in his book "A Short History of Reconstruction", is the horrifying fact that Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan in 1866 to lynch and terrorize Republicans - black and white. The Klan became the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party, killing over 2,000 black Republicans and over 1,000 white Republicans.
The violence against the 1960's era civil rights protestors was inflicted by Democrats. Democrat Public Safety Commissioner Eugene "Bull" Connor in Birmingham let loose vicious dogs and turned skin-burning fire hoses on black civil rights demonstrators. Democrat Georgia Governor Lester Maddox famously brandished ax handles to prevent blacks from patronizing his restaurant. In 1954, Democrat Arkansas Governor Orville Faubus tried to prevent desegregation of a Little Rock public school. Democrat Alabama Governor George Wallace stood in front of the Alabama schoolhouse in 1963 and thundered, "Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever."
All of these racist Democrats remained Democrats until the day they died. One survivor from that era, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd, a former recruiter in the Ku Klux Klan, is still a Democrat and a prominent leader in the Democrat-controlled Congress where he was honored by his fellow Democrats as the "conscience of the Senate." It does not even make common sense to believe that after the Republicans spent over 150 years fighting the Democrats and won, the racist Democrats suddenly rushed into the arms of the Republicans. In fact Democrats declared that they would rather vote for a "yellow dog" than any one in the Republican Party, the party for blacks.
(Read he truth of the Democratic Party)
If our soldiers did and do voluntarily put their lives on the line to preserve our freedoms, then we can do no less. If Dr. King had the courage to fight for civil rights for blacks in the face of racist slurs by Democrats and threats of imprisonment or death, then we surely have the courage to stand up for our civil liberties in the face of such threats. This we owe to ourselves, our country and future generations..
Frances Rice is a retired Army Lieutenant Colonel and Chairman of the National Black Republican Association. She may be contacted at: www.NBRA.info
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